Friday, January 8, 2010

Are there any good programs were a high school student in America could transfor to Japan for a year

Are there any good programs were a high school student in America could transfor to Japan for a year???
I'm and 8th grader and am in love with Japan. So I was wondering if there were any good programs that I could bring up with the high schools administration that would allow me to transfor there for a year? I know that I need to be in my 2nd year of high school, and need good grades to do so. I have done some research and it stated that I am only allowed 1 year, and most high schools have school uniforms...But that's about it. So if you all could please give me any infomation about any programs that would allow me to go there for a year then please tell me! And if you ANY infomation about there high schools please tell me that too! Thank you.
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