Friday, December 24, 2010

Lots of Questions:High School exchange to Japan

Lots of Questions:High School exchange to Japan?
I have lots of questions....first some info, I have not taken any formal Japanese classes, but am learning on my own terms. I am in 9th grade. My family does not have a lot of money. Questions: What are some cheap programs to exchange to Japan for a Semester or a summer? Do I get credits for doing these trips? Please help me! I really want to go on a trip, but I can not find one that isn't 9000 dollars for a semester.. Doumo arigatao gozaimus(sorry if I spelled any of that wrong) Thanks in advance! I live in a small town, so there are no programs local to my area.
Studying Abroad - 2 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
My grand daughter left yesterday for Japan with her class. Why don`t you enquire through the school system, or an Exchange Group in your area. I know there are some that ask for Host homes for Japanese Students, and maybe they do it in reverse, find Japanese homes for students in other countries.
2 :
There are no "cheap" programs overseas. These things cost money and you need to be aware of that up front. The top three programs are AFS, YFU and Rotary. Rotary is the cheapest, but most competitive. YFU offers a few nice scholarships you can try for. There is a very good summer one for FCCLA members. Whether or not you get credit for your exchange depends upon your school. Usually you WILL get credit for a year or semester exchange if you work with your school counselor and go with a CSIET listed program. You'll probably have to take an summer or correspondence course however. Good luck!
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