Wednesday, December 1, 2010

How would one disappear/escape to a Buddhist monastery in Japan for a year

How would one disappear/escape to a Buddhist monastery in Japan for a year?
This is actually a serious question; life here in America is not working out for me, and I often feel that I'm missing something spiritual in my life. And, I want to learn how to just let go of everything so I don't have to keep being repeatedly disappointed by people, expectations, etc. I was in Japan for a school trip a couple summers ago, and some of the mountain temples we visited were amazingly tranquil... So, if anyone has any travel/logistical ideas, I'd welcome them. Thank you.
Japan - 4 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
very carefully
2 :
Not likely to happen as you need a visa to stay more than 90 days. There are cultural visas, but I doubt if you could qualify for this. Some temples allow short term visitors, but it wouldn't be for more than a few days. A temple is a serious place, and they're not likely to want a gaijin who just wants to get away. Another problem is they're not likely to know English. You would probably have to do without things like TV & women. You'd be sleeping on the floor on a futon. Sorry, I just don't think this would work out for you. Being a monk is a lifetime commitment.
3 :
If "escape" is your mindset, forget it! If you are thinking along the lines of a "spiritual retreat" that is an entirely different question... I don't know whether you would be allowed to stay at a monastery that long unless you intended to become a monastic yourself. One essential question that you must be able to answer is: "WHAT DO YOU HAVE TO OFFER THIS MONASTIC COMMUNITY?" Why does the monastery have to be in Japan? Going into ANY cloistered community will sufficiently cut you off from the outside world. I would suggest looking for local (in the USA) monasteries first. There are even Protestant Monasteries (over 100) in the USA! I am a monastic aspirant and I have, thus far, never been allowed to stay longer than a week at a time. I will probably not be allowed to make a long stay until after I have made my Formal Application for Consideration, been accepted and entered the Novitiate/Candidate program. I already made a Formal Application for Consideration at one monastery but was turned down. BTW: Will your health insurance be applicable overseas? About the best deal I ever got on traveler's insurance was $2/day. .
4 :
Sorry have no idea,can not help
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