My friend and I are planning to live in Japan for a year in our gap year after we've graduated. We're trying to understand Visa's. Looking up different Visa's, I found we can only apply for one kind, the "Cultural Activities - General Visa". However, with this kind of visa it doesn't allow you to get a proper job there. Is there any way we can get a job there with our non-working visa's and just our high school experience? (We'll need to pay for accommodation and food) Make sure everything's legal please! thank you~ xx.
Immigration - 2 Answers
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1 :
Errr well my dad is Japanese so I'll answer this question in a few hours after I get a hold of him. From what I know Japan has a very very strict system deal with immigration they really don't like foreigners at all. Hell I'm technically Japanese but they consider me a "gaijin" since my mother is white and I look like her.
2 :
You need a Japanese firm to sponsor you for the job. And it must be a job for which no Japanese can be found to fill the job. And you need a college degree to teach English.
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