Monday, January 24, 2011

How is it like in a Japanese high school

How is it like in a Japanese high school?
I'm just wondering how the high school kids act like in Japan. Like here in America most high schools have some type of stereotypes. If you go/have gone to a high school in Japan, how was it? were people friendly? please say any negative or postive things about it. And things the students have to do like the students have to clean up classrooms and bow when they see their teachers, what else? Just curious^^ thanks anything about Japan high school :]
Other - Cultures & Groups - 2 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
We had to wear stupid ass uniforms for p.e. and do this stupid ass excercise shit when we were late.
2 :
In Japan when the kids clean up the classrooms, keep in mind the mentality of the culture, of patriarchy, and how boys feel like they don't have to help when it's time to clean, making it an often one-sided affair. Of course there are stereotypes too and different kinds of kids. There are the very straight-laced kids (majime) who are very studious and obey the rules, there are the rebels who cut class and don't study, or maybe they manipulate their uniform to be a shorter skirt or line their jacket with another material, or maybe push the limits of allowed hairstyles, sniff glue or what have you, etc. Bullies are a worldwide problem and Japan is no different. There's one thing Japanese (especially guys) do to each other that can be cruel and may seem strange to outsiders.. it's called kancho and you put your hands together like you're going to wish for something, but your index fingers point out and touch each other, then you go up behind your victim and shove it where the sun don't shine and yell "kancho!". My cousin had to go to a doctor after his classmates did this to him.
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