Saturday, January 8, 2011

High school is NOT free in Japan yet Japanese are smarter than Americans. Should 0bama abolish free city

High school is NOT free in Japan yet Japanese are smarter than Americans. Should 0bama abolish free city?
... schools since 1/2 of the kids drop out anyway? School beyond 9th grade is optional yet the Japanese seem to work hard and be smart.
Politics - 4 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Okay first off: the Japanese are not smarter than Americans. Both are the same in intelligence. They care about grades more and work harder than most Americans. And no I don't think he should. As I said, a lot Americans don't care about grades. So even less people would go to school. Parents make their kids now. But if they had to pay money AND their kids don't want to go... Not alot of people would stay in school.
2 :
I'm sure you meant to say "smarter than United Statesians"
3 :
The Japanese Democrats who have just defeated the Conservatives want to make high school free. One of the reasons Japanese voters have ousted the Conservatives is that the economy has been stagnating for so many years.
4 :
the japanese are a homogeneous society...they have not been spoon-fed the idea that they "MUST" have higher education...their educated do not look down upon their so-called do not have to have an education in this country either to be a success...liberals just use thier education to feel superior to those who arent as educated... we are a vain country...
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