I am University student in Japan. There is a study desk in elementary school child room in Japan. It is a little that the bed is there. I would like to know about it in the United States. 1.Where in the house is elementary school child doing homework and studying? 2.Is there a desk in your child's room? 3.Do they usually study in the library?
Homework Help - 2 Answers
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1 :
My child does not have a desk in her room. She usually studies in our dining room or at school. Sometimes she does go to the library, however most of her studying is done at school.
2 :
my child does his homework at the kitchen table. I've rarely heard of elementary school children doing homework in their room. High schoolers and middle schoolers, maybe. But normally elementary school children do it around other people. It could be in a quiet or loud environment. Normally it doesn't make that big of a difference. I've never seen any studying at the library unless it's during classes with the class. It's very dangerous to leave a young child unattended at the library unless you live in a very small town or know the librarian. But it'd be a school library instead of a public one. And yes there is a desk in my child's room (all of them) but they don't use them except to store papers.
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